Paige Articles

The Wool Ironing Mat: Your New Favorite Notion

When quilting notions are a dime a dozen, how do you know which ones are worth the investment? Continue reading for the ultimate guide on wool pressing mats to see if this tool is right for you!

Calculating Quilt Binding and Yardage In 4 Easy Steps

Can ‘t quilt with it, can’t quilt without it. Math is just an aspect of quilting that we have to learn to accept, so let’s make it easy! Learn the 4 steps to calculating quilt binding so you don’t underestimate, and get back to quilting quicker!

How to Calculate Quilt Backing Right the First Time

You’ve FINALLY finished the quilt top you’ve been working on for weeks, even months! Its time to figure out how much backing yardage you’ll need and a refresher on the math is a welcome hand. Continue reading for the step by step formula for calculating quilt backing or skip the math and learn about our new all-in-one backing calculator!

13 Easy Quilt Blocks That Look Difficult

You’ve nailed the very beginner quilt patterns and you’re itching to try something that looks impressive…Without getting in over your head. Continue reading for 13 super easy quilt blocks that only LOOK difficult.