Paige Articles

3 Best Wool Ironing Mats for Quilters

When you can’t see a wool ironing mat in person before buying, how are you supposed to know what to look for? In this part 2 of our wool pressing mat series, you’ll learn what makes a good pressing mat, which brands we’d start researching first, and which brand comes out on top!

The Ultimate Guide to Owning a Seam Ripper

Did you know that a whole world of seam rippers exists other than the plastic cheap ones in the box stores? Different styles, handles, blades, purposes, who knew? Continue reading to see all the different types of seam rippers and determine which one is for you!

The 25 Best Thread Storage Ideas You Can Actually Buy

Do you open your drawer of threads and have to sit and untangle them before you can even use them? Or worse cut thread off and throw it out? Continue reading for a list of 25 different thread storage ideas to organize your stash this spring!

The Best Basting Spray For Quilters

Spray basting is a fast and easy way to baste your quilt especially for beginners, but did you know that not all adhesive sprays are basting sprays? Continue reading for these quilting tips on spotting the right types and how to make a quilt using the spray basting method.

Nesting Seams for Perfect Quilt Tops

Nesting Seams for Perfect Quilt Tops

Have you ever tried to sew quilt blocks together and get seams that just WILL NOT line up with each other? There’s a trick to the trade that might help! Continue reading for a quick tutorial on how to “nest” your seams for spot on seam intersections.

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